We're heading out today and won't be back until sometime on the 31st. We're going to do Christmas with Josh's family today and tomorrow and then tomorrow night we're driving to Tennessee. My family always rents a cabin at Christmas time so we will be there until the 31st. I am so excited!! We eat and relax all week.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Travels!
Posted by Paige at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Card Carousel
This is the first year we've done family Christmas Cards so I'm joining the Christmas Card Carousel here.
We were going to have professional pictures of the boys done this year, but ran out of time so we took them ourselves. I think they turned out pretty good for us doing them ourselves.
Posted by Paige at 10:52 AM 3 comments
Family Santa Photo!
We took the boys to see Santa Sunday. We stood in line for 2 1/2 hours and Cayson would NOT sit in his lap! The minute he realized his daddy was trying to hand him off to someone he screamed! So...we took a family Santa picture! I wonder if that means we all get gifts from Santa ;) Anyways, here is our sweet picture that I will treasure forever!!Oh, and kind of funny story. Santa thought I was the sister of Hayden and Cayson. My dad had walked out to the car and my mom was standing with us and I guess he thought Josh was married to my mom and I was the daughter! Hah! My mom is pretty young and could definitely pass as the mom of Hayden and Cayson and she looks even younger than she is. (I won't give her age, but she's younger than 41, but not in her 30's ;) ) We actually get funny looks a lot. We met my mom the other night because she was picking up the boys (again my dad was not with her) and it seriously felt like everyone was looking at us when we were walking out of the restaurant. I'm sure they were trying to figure out which one of us was married to Josh and the mom of Hayden and Cayson! :)
Posted by Paige at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Cayson's Birthday
Cayson's turned 1 on November 3rd. We had his party that following Sunday. We really didn't do a whole lot. I know it's his first birthday and everything, but I wasn't really anticipating a lot of people, because we had it on a Sunday and most of Josh's family would have to come in from out of town. We would have had it on Saturday, but as I mentioned in the post before, we took the boys to ride the polar express in NC!
Here's some pictures of Cayson's birthday party!
Now pictures of his first hair cut :(
- He's walking!! Everywhere!!
- You can definitely tell he's the baby of the family. He plays that roll well.
- His personality is so different from Hayden's. Hayden was more independent. Cayson is much more cuddly than Hayden was. Cayson loves to be held, kissed, rocked, cuddled.
- Cayson is a total mommy's boy whereas Hayden was all about his daddy!
- He gives kisses with his mouth wide open right on the lips! Those are the best!
- He's wearing 12-18 month clothes for the most part, but lately we've been buying him 18-24 month shirts because he's got a chubby little tummy, but he's short so 18-24 pants are too long!
- He's in size 5 diapers!
- He only has 4 teeth. Two on top and two on the bottom.
- He LOVES ritz crackers. Seriously, I think we go through a a pack a day!
- He's a GREAT eater. He eats everything. Josh was feeding him spinach the other day and he was gobbling it up. Hayden was never that good of a eater and was and still is SOO picky, but not Cayson!
- All of a sudden he hates baths. I don't know if Hayden did something to him in the bathtub one day, but he used to love them now he cries if he thinks we're about to put him in.
- He loves his big brother. He just sits and watches him!!
Posted by Paige at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
I'm back!
I realize it has been JULY since I lasted posted! I can not believe I have not blogged since then. I do however read blogs all the time. I've just been busy with school and the boys. (I know that is always my excuse). Anyways, I realize no one probably even comes to my blog anymore, but I'm really going to try and blog more often! We have had a lot going on and the boys are getting so big. I have lots to share!
Right now, we are getting ready for the Holiday season! This is my favorite time of year. Although, I wish it would actually get cold and stay cold here in Georgia! We've had warm temperatures all through out November and I'm ready for some cooler temperatures. I'm also wishing it would stop raining!! We have gotten so much rain lately. It's a complete turn around from the drought we experienced previously and I guess I'd rather have rain than no rain, but this rain is really messing Josh up with his work (He owns a landscaping business). So when it's raining, he's not working, which means he's not making any money! Hopefully, next year we will have a happy medium between the no rain at all and the floods we've been having this year :) Anyways, I'm so excited for Christmas this year. Hayden is 3 and will be at such a fun age! He's actually got some things he really wants and he's actually into Santa this year (and we have definitely NOT been using the Santa is watching you thing to get him to do things...like go to bed at night;) ). I'm excited about watching him on Christmas day. We took him and Cayson a couple of weeks ago to ride on The Polar Express in North Carolina and Hayden had so much fun!! He loves trains and was just so excited to actually get to ride on it (that is where are picture up top is from and if you noticed, Hayden is not looking at the camera, because he is too busy looking at the train). Here's some pictures...
We also celebrated Cayson's 1st birthday this month! He turned 1 on November 3rd. He also got his 1st hair cut. He's looking like such a little boy and walking everywhere. I can't believe how quickly this year flew by. I'll try and post some pictures of his Birthday in another post. This one's getting kind of long!
I know I have mentioned a lot about Christmas and we haven't even gotten to Thanksgiving yet. We are very excited about Thanksgiving as well!! We are going to South Carolina on Wednesday and staying until Sunday. We are doing Thanksgiving on Thursday with my family and then Friday with Josh's. Josh and I are having a movie date night on Friday as well. We figure we won't be hungry after all the food we will have stuffed our faces with Thursday and Friday so we are forgoing dinner and going to see New Moon and The Blind Side. Two movies, we have been dying to see. (Well maybe not New Moon for Josh so much, but he loves me so he's going to sit through it with me). Then on Saturday I'm going shopping with my mom and mama! Then on Sunday we are eating at a Japanese restaurant for my brother's birthday which was this past Friday (he turned 17). Can't believe it!! So we have a busy week, but are very excited to see everyone!! Well, I know this post has gotten long. (I'm trying to make up for the 4 months of blogging that I've missed). I'll be back to share some more of what we've been up to!!
Posted by Paige at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Our Weekend 07/24-07/26
We had a pretty normal, uninteresting weekend. We did go to a soccer game on Friday though. Josh's sister plays soccer and their team made it to the playoffs so we went and watched them play and they won. Since Hayden was at the beach with my parents, we just took Cayson and he was so good. We took his carseat in and he just sat there and looked around pretty much the entire time. If Hayden had gone, he would have been good too, he just wouldn't have sat there the entire time. Then Saturday, Josh had to work so Cayson and I just hung out. He slept most of the time (I think he might be having a growth spurt) and I cleaned some and enjoyed my last day of only one child. When Josh came home we both laid on the couch through 2 lifetime movies before we finally got up to get ready. (Yes, I have a sweet wonderful husband who will watch lifetime movies with me and I think he actually enjoys them!) We met my parents at Outback later that night to pick Hayden up, and then had a reality check when he talked the ENTIRE way home! Hah! But, we really were so glad to have him back home. Josh and I both missed him so much. Cayson did too! Then on Sunday we got up and went to church, ate brunch at IHop, and then came home and while the boys were napping Josh and I spent our time playing scrabble. We played once the boys went to bed for the night as well. We were actually looking forward to playing. You know your life has gotten boring when you look forward to playing scrabble. We're like an old married couple ,and we're only in our early to mid twenties! Anyways I got a couple of cute pictures of the boys this weekend that I wanted to share.
This is on Sunday Morning before Church. My boys really do love each other. I hope it will last! Hayden sometimes gets mad at Cayson for trying to play with his toys (We're working on sharing), but for the most part they are so sweet with one another.See Holly in the back ground?? She can't be left out and she LOVES Cayson, so 99% of the time she is right with him.
Later Sunday afternoon, I was on the computer and Hayden came in with this Awful hat (Josh and I disagree on football teams and unfortunately I think my boys will probably side with him) on, but I thought he was cute anyways, so I took a couple of pictures of him.
Posted by Paige at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Show us your Dress!
This is the first time I am participating in the Show us where you Live or now the "Show us your life" Friday's on Kelly's Korner. I'm excited to participate. Today is Show us your wedding dress. None of these are really full length pictures of my dress. All I have are prints and these were already scanned onto the computer. I'm too lazy to scan any others, but I think you can see it for the most part. I loved my wedding dress! My husband, Josh, and I will be married 3 years in August! I can't believe 3 years has passed since this day...
Posted by Paige at 6:19 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
8 months!
Cayson turned 8 months old last Friday, July 3. He is getting so big!!
Things he is doing now...
1. Crawling around everywhere(he has a cute crawl...he will crawl a little bit and then push himself in a sitting position and then crawl a little bit more and then do it again. It's funny!)
2. "Talking" This is something he has started within the past week and he "talks" nonstop. I love the little babbling stage. He is saying dada and baba. Hayden is so funny with this, because we will say," Cayson say dada" and he will, so Hayden's been going up to him and saying, "Say Hayden" over and over again.
3. Blowing bubbles. He blows bubbles all of the time. He likes to do while he's eating too and then gets his food everywhere.
4. Still sleeping great! He goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and usually wakes up the next morning around 7:30 or 8:00 for a bottle. He's gotten to where he takes 1 long nap. He'll lay down around 10:00 or so and sleep for 3 or 4 hours.
5. He's gotten better in the car. For some reason he's the only baby I know that would not fall asleep in the car. He's pretty perfect all the time, but when we would get in the car he would start fussing, but when we went to SC last weekend he was great the whole time.
6. He has started pulling himself into a standing position.
7. He still does not have any teeth. Hayden got teeth right around 4 months, so this is new for me. We keep joking that we're going to have to get him false teeth. The doctor doesn't seem too concerned so we're just waiting for that first tooth! Hopefully, it will come soon!
We just love him so much! He was a perfect addition to our family!
Posted by Paige at 6:14 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Birthday Boy!
Hayden is 3 today. I really can't believe he's 3! He's getting so big. For the most part, I really enjoy this stage. He's beginning to be more independent and it's easier to take him places. I'm sad he's growing up, but it's fun to watch him now and see his personality developing. The only thing that I don't like about this stage is the non stop talking!! I mean really...it's NON STOP! What really gets me though is that his teachers at day care say they can't get him to talk. We always tell them they need to come home with us, but then maybe he wouldn't talk then either. It's just funny because as soon as we leave he talks until he goes to bed! Now Josh and I wonder why we ever wanted him to talk. Haha! But it really is amazing to hear him and watch him. He is just learning new stuff every day and sometimes he says thing and I don't even know where he learned that. Anyways, here are some pictures of my birthday boy! His daddy just had to give him a gift on his birthday...even though his party is tomorrow. So unwrapped and everything he got some baseball stuff. Excuse his hair...he had just woken up.
So excited!
Just in case you noticed...his crocs are on the wrong feet. Josh and I stopped arguing with him because he insists on wearing them like that.
Posted by Paige at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
7 Months!
Today my baby is 7 months old.
Things he is doing now.
1. He has started eating yogurt. We give him vanilla flavored and he LOVES it!!
2. He can get up on his hands and knees at the same time. He even pushed himself into a sitting position twice now. I really think he will start crawling any day now. He's so close! I'm not sure if I'm excited about this phase or not, because now I won't be able to keep him still.
3. He still doesn't have any teeth. I know Hayden had teeth before this...he got his first tooth around 4 months so hopefully he will get some soon.
4. Smiling and laughing all the time.
5. He likes to watch Hayden's cartoons and loves to watch his big brother. I'm just sure he's watching all the things Hayden is doing now that he shouldn't be and can't wait to test my patience too! :)
6. Tries to grab the spoon away from me while I'm feeding him.
Here's a couple of pictures of him trying to sit up. (I think my wonderful husband deleted my Adobe photo shop off my laptop and I just now realized it... so these pictures don't look great because I couldn't edit them.) Hey mom...what you doing?
He's starting to get angry here. This was right before he gave up and toppled over!
Posted by Paige at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Our Weekend!
Josh, the boys and I went to my parents this weekend so we could go to a wedding. My best friend growing up got married and it was a beautiful wedding. We were best friends for years. Then I moved schools and we kind of lost touch, but it was so wonderful being able to see her get married, and yet kind of weird too. I have so many memories of us a little girls and it truly seems like just yesterday. Anyways, we had a good time! We didn't get to stay for the entire reception, because we had to get home to our boys who my grandparents were watching since my parents went to the wedding with us.
Here are some pictures... Josh and me at the reception
My mom and me at the reception. (I know she looks kind of tired...she's been sick for the past week)
Me and the Bride, Anna. My mom had to get this picture. She has a picture of us,when we were little, that Anna gave me when we were younger playing in leaves and she wanted a picture of us to put beside it.
Josh and me before we left the reception.
Posted by Paige at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
6 months!
My little man turned 6 months old Sunday, March 3rd. He's getting so big!
What he's doing:
Rolling around everywhere! I think he wants to start crawling too. He can get up on his knees and his hands. He just hasn't figured out how to do both at the same time yet. So, I'm thinking maybe by next month he will have mastered this.
We had to go to the doctor 2 weeks ago for an ear infection and he weighed 17 pounds 1 ounce. Oops! This reminds me, he has a doctor's appointment coming up really soon and I have no idea when it is. We may have missed it...off to call! Update: We went to the doctor today and he weight 18 lbs! He's in the 59th percentile!
He's a big eater. He's eating oatmeal in the morning, 2 things of baby food at lunch and 2 things of baby food at dinner. He's also drinking three 8 ounce bottles of formula.
We introduced juice to him this month. I dilute it heavily, but he seems to like it.
Here are some recent pictures! I love his chunky little legs!!
Posted by Paige at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Our weekend 04/25-04/26 and lots of pictures!
I have been meaning to post this for several days, but have been busy studying for finals. Anyways, this was our weekend. We had a great one! It's going to start with Sunday though, since I downloaded the pictures backwards and I'm too lazy to fix them.
Sunday we went to the park. We have a really nice one about 2 minutes away from our house and Hayden loves it! We are going to start going every Sunday, after church. Though, we didn't go the past weekend due to the swine or H1N1 flu going around. I'm really trying to limit their exposure to another people right now as much as I can, but once it settles down, we will start going every Sunday.
Saturday, we had a festival type thing in the city we live in. We missed the parade, but we went to the festival and walked around. It was pretty neat. Their were lots of businesses set up advertising their business. Josh said he's going to try and do that next year. But they had lots of food and activities set up for children. It was fun. Here's Hayden on the pony. I was telling him to smile at daddy, but I think he was a little nervous about riding. He had fun though.
Here's Cayson watching his brother. He was great the whole time. He's like his brother and loves to be outside.
Hayden was showing me what pony he wanted to ride.
This is so funny! They had a little place set up where you could go and pet the animals. Hayden had so much fun doing this. He likes to terrorize the animals though. He was chasing them instead of petting them.
Here's Hayden sliding on the big inflatable slide thing they had. He loved this!
Posted by Paige at 7:10 AM 2 comments