Hayden is 3 today. I really can't believe he's 3! He's getting so big. For the most part, I really enjoy this stage. He's beginning to be more independent and it's easier to take him places. I'm sad he's growing up, but it's fun to watch him now and see his personality developing. The only thing that I don't like about this stage is the non stop talking!! I mean really...it's NON STOP! What really gets me though is that his teachers at day care say they can't get him to talk. We always tell them they need to come home with us, but then maybe he wouldn't talk then either. It's just funny because as soon as we leave he talks until he goes to bed! Now Josh and I wonder why we ever wanted him to talk. Haha! But it really is amazing to hear him and watch him. He is just learning new stuff every day and sometimes he says thing and I don't even know where he learned that. Anyways, here are some pictures of my birthday boy! His daddy just had to give him a gift on his birthday...even though his party is tomorrow. So unwrapped and everything he got some baseball stuff. Excuse his hair...he had just woken up.
So excited!
Just in case you noticed...his crocs are on the wrong feet. Josh and I stopped arguing with him because he insists on wearing them like that.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Birthday Boy!
Posted by Paige at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
7 Months!
Today my baby is 7 months old.
Things he is doing now.
1. He has started eating yogurt. We give him vanilla flavored and he LOVES it!!
2. He can get up on his hands and knees at the same time. He even pushed himself into a sitting position twice now. I really think he will start crawling any day now. He's so close! I'm not sure if I'm excited about this phase or not, because now I won't be able to keep him still.
3. He still doesn't have any teeth. I know Hayden had teeth before this...he got his first tooth around 4 months so hopefully he will get some soon.
4. Smiling and laughing all the time.
5. He likes to watch Hayden's cartoons and loves to watch his big brother. I'm just sure he's watching all the things Hayden is doing now that he shouldn't be and can't wait to test my patience too! :)
6. Tries to grab the spoon away from me while I'm feeding him.
Here's a couple of pictures of him trying to sit up. (I think my wonderful husband deleted my Adobe photo shop off my laptop and I just now realized it... so these pictures don't look great because I couldn't edit them.) Hey mom...what you doing?
He's starting to get angry here. This was right before he gave up and toppled over!
Posted by Paige at 8:35 AM 0 comments