Hayden, Can you really be 4 years old today? Where did the time go? It seems like just a short time ago you were just a baby, and then a 2 year old who I worried would never talk. Now you're 4 and you NEVER stop talking! You are independent, stubborn, talkative, always have to have things your way, and a terrible eater. Yet, you are also an extremely lovable, full of energy, funny, smart, beautiful 4 year old boy. You love to be outside, love your momma, try to act like your daddy, and pick on your brother one minute but hugs and kiss him the next. You love trains and cars! You love to take all of your toys apart which results in lots of toys getting thrown away because we lose pieces. Everything you have has to have a trailer, which you learned from your daddy since he always has a trailer with his lawn equipment in it. As frustrating as it can be that all your toys are tied together and I can never find my hair twisties (because that is what you use to tie your toys together), I hope I never forget that you did that at this age! Four years ago today, your daddy and I went to the hospital so excited to meet you! I wondered what you would look like, what you would be like, how my life would change with you in it! Today, I can say you were the most wonderful surprise! There are days I go to bed exhausted because of you, but then you come cuddle up next to me and tell me, "I love you mommy princess!" and I can't imagine my life without you in it! You tell me you will always be my baby, but one day you will grow up like daddy. I never knew how fast time flew by until you were born. I never knew I could love someone so much! Happy 4 years my sweet baby boy! You are so special and so loved!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Happy 4th Birthday!
Posted by Paige at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday: Dates
Josh and I hardly ever go on dates! With two boys ages 4 and 19 months-it's hard to go anywhere. Our family is 2 hours away so we rarely have anyone to watch the boys. When they do happen to get the boys for the weekend our idea of a date is sitting on the couch relaxing and enjoying the quiet and not having to get up every 2 minutes to get the boys something! Hah!
1. Our idea of a date when the boys are around is waiting until they go to bed and watching shows we have dvr'd or a blockbuster movie with a bowl of ice cream!
2. When we do have a weekend alone, we will usually go out to eat and go see a movie. Sometimes we will go to the mall or a local outside shopping center and walk around, or go get ice cream at Coldstone!
I know-not very original, but it's hard with little kids. Maybe when they get older, we will have more exciting dates!! :)
Posted by Paige at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010
Show us your life-Favorite Books/Children's Books
Kelly at Kelly's Korner is doing Show us your Life-Favorite Books and Children's books today.
I love, love, love to read! I am in school to be an elementary teacher, so I have some favorite Children books too. Some of my favorite are... Anything by Beverly Cleary
A Bad Case of the Stripes-This is such a cute book!
I loved The Baby Sitters Club books growing up and the Sweet Valley Twins series!
I love anything by Judy Blume
I love these Junie B Jones books. They are so cute and I love Junie!
I have many more, but this post could get really long!
I still love to read any chance I get, though it's harder now with a family and trying to finish school. I love to read anything by Nicholas Sparks, Jodie Picoult, Sophie Kinsella, Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts. I have lots of other favorite authors as well. I recently read The Help, which I really enjoyed! I love The Harry Potter series, and the Twilight books as well!
Posted by Paige at 6:18 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy Weekend :)
I'm so glad classes are over for this week! We don't really have anything planned for the weekend. Josh is working tomorrow and I have school work to do for next week-but next week, the majority of our big projects are due so the last week or two should be less stressful! After classes, I will have a couple weeks of a break, before my summer class starts. I really tried to avoid a summer class, but it was inevitable if I want to graduate next May! But one class isn't too bad! But anyways, I am planning on finishing the Beth Moore Book- "So Long Insecurity". My friend and I are going to a simulcast conference to watch her next weekend ( We waited too long and couldn't get tickets for the "real deal". ) Does anyone have any exciting weekend plans?
Posted by Paige at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Our Weekend!
We had a good weekend. Josh's work load was minimal so we got to spend more time with him than usual on the weekends. Friday night, Josh and I watched the movie Everybody's Fine. I've been wanting to see it, but we usually don't rent movies unless we can get them using a free red box code and the last few times he has gone up to a red box, they don't have it. So, we splurged :) and rented it On Demand.I'm so glad we did. It was so good, but I cried the entire time! You know when you cry a lot, it can be exhausting? I told Josh after we watched it, I was exhausted from crying so much! I don't know if everyone would find it that sad, but my entire life, I have had this thing for older men being lonely and not having anyone! It just broke my heart that he was by himself and he had to go visit his family to see them. A lot of other little things happened along the way that were sad, but I won't ruin it for those that haven't seen it yet. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely rent it. It was good!
Saturday-We didn't do too much. Josh worked a little bit in the morning and the boys and I hung out. I did some school work that I needed to get finished for this week. When Josh got home, we went grocery shopping and then went and ate Mexican ( I had to get the chef's name for something we are doing for one of my classes).
Sunday- We got up and went to church and we tried a new Sunday School class. This is really stepping out of my comfort zone, but we joined our church a little over a year ago and really haven't done anything to get involved. I had been praying that God would open a door for us to get involved and a couple weeks ago, Josh got an e-mail personally inviting us to this young adult Sunday School class and I felt like it was an answer to my prayer so we went. I really liked it and I think Josh did too. Everyone was really nice and it's not too big and we weren't the only new people so that was good. I still am positive we are probably the youngest couple there, but I guess I just need to get used to that! After church we went to Subway and then came home for long naps. Then we took the boys to the park for a little while. We had told Hayden we would take him to the pool, because they just opened our community pool, but we have had some cold mornings and nights and were afraid the water wouldn't be warm enough, so we settled for the park! I didn't take any pictures though! My camera's battery is about to die and I need to charge it!
Posted by Paige at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter 2010! (lots of pictures)
We had a great Easter with family. We originally did not think we were going to be able to go to South Carolina to visit, but Josh worked hard on Friday to get everything done for work that he was going to have to do Saturday so we could go! I'm glad we did! Saturday, we went to Josh's parents (gigi's and papaws). Hayden and Cayson's cousins were there and they played outside ALL day. We had an Easter egg hunt and they dyed Easter eggs! Cayson thought he would try and eat the Easter egg dye, so his lips were blue the rest of the day :)Then Sunday, we spent Easter with my family. We went to church for their Easter service, but only stayed about 10 minutes. Since it's not our church, I do not feel comfortable taking them to the nursery because we just do not go enough and Cayson can be really funny about who he will stay with, and they just were not going to last the whole church service. They were not bad, but they were making noises and moving around and we finally just left because some of the church members were being slightly dramatic and turning around and staring at us! But after church my family came to my parents and we had a yummy Easter lunch and had another Easter egg hunt for the boys!
Hayden and Cayson's Easter baskets. The Easter bunny brought Hayden a memory game, a nerf gun thing, bubbles, a football, m&m's and smarties. Cayson got a new Mickey Mouse club house juice cup, a ball, bubbles, smarties, and goldfish.
We took family pictures after church because we were rushing out the door and didn't have time to before church. My brother and me.
My parents, brother and me.
My little family!
My sweet boys!
Hayden and daddy putting together an Easter gift from grandmother!
Posted by Paige at 6:20 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
What kids say!
We weren't planning to go to South Carolina this weekend for Easter, because Josh had a job he was going to do all day tomorrow. But, he called me this morning and asked if I wanted to go because he thought he could get that job finished today. So of course I said yes. I told Hayden a few minutes later we were going to go to mimi's and papa's (my mom and dad's) later today so we needed to start cleaning up. He looked at me and asked and gigi's and papaw's (Josh's mom and dad)? and I said yes! He looked at me and said, "Mom, that is amazing!" Haha! He has been using big words lately and I think it's just the cutest thing.
He said something else that was funny this morning. He was laying on the couch watching his cartoons (like he does every morning) and Cayson went over and was talking (babbling) and Hayden said, "Cayson, shhh! I can't concentrate!" Hah!
Posted by Paige at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
New read
I haven't been blogging this week, because my free time has been spent reading this...I love to read and I love Jodi Picoult. It's really good so far!
Posted by Paige at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Our day at the park! (Lots of Pictures!)
I haven't posted in awhile, because something happened to my camera lens and I had to send it to Nikon to get it fixed! But, this weekend was so pretty and we took full advantage of it. I'm really hoping the winter weather is gone! I have been wanting to go to this park near our house and get some pictures of the boys, so after Church Sunday, Josh and I got the boys dressed in one of their matching Spring outfits and took them! I can not believe we have not been to this park. We have lived here for 2 1/2 years and this park is only like 3 minutes away from our house and it's so pretty. The playground was crowded so we will probably never go there for the playground since we have another really nice park with about 6 different playground near our house and they aren't near as crowded, but to walk around and take pictures and even have a picnic, this one was perfect!Here's some of my pictures at the park!I was hoping to get more of the two of them, but unfortunately Hayden is my child and all he could worry about was Cayson falling in the pond...even though he was no where near it most of the time and when he was even slightly close, Josh or I were right next to him! My boys and me!
There were people riding their horses and they stopped and let the kids pet them!
This one makes me laugh! I'm not sure what Hayden was doing.
We had a great time and I think I got some pretty good pictures! I can't believe how old my boys are looking!
Posted by Paige at 6:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Julie and Julia
If you haven't seen this movie and want to and don't like to know the endings(like me) before you watch don't read.Josh brought this movie home yesterday for us to watch. I wasn't sure I wanted to see it when it first came out, but had mentioned wanting to see it a few days ago since there aren't really any movies out currently that I want to rent. I actually enjoyed it for the most part. It made me hungry though:) I also thought the Julia parts were kind of boring and her voice really bugged me throughout the movie. I also didn't like that Julie never got to actually meet Julia, but overall it was pretty cute. I'm glad I didn't spend the movie to see it in the theater though. Some of those recipes, I really want to try. Josh and I were both salivating over some of those dishes!
Posted by Paige at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
We're home!
We are finally home. It seems like forever since we've been here. In fact, Hayden asked me this morning why we were at his house? We have been to Josh's grandmother's, the mountains, Josh's parents and my parent's house in the almost 2 weeks since we left so I guess I can not blame him by wondering why we are back at our house. Anyways, we had a great time, but are happy to be home. We started our Christmas festivities at Josh's grandmother's on the 23 and then left on the 24th around 8:00 pm. We got to Tennessee around 3:00 am on Christmas Morning. My poor mom and papa stayed up waiting on us. We thought both boys would go to sleep immediately upon our arrival. If we had any trouble it would be Hayden since he slept our whole trip, but all we would have to do is put him in the bed with us and he'd be fine. We thought Cayson would lay right down since he was awake most of our trip. Hah! He had other plans and kept his daddy up all night and then slept almost all of Christmas day and so did my poor husband! We had a great, relaxing time in the mountains though and Cayson was fine the rest of the week. We didn't do as much as we normally do, but it was nice to be able to relax and not have anything to do. We left on the 31st (Josh's birthday...He turned 25!) and went to my parents house to spend a few days with them. We always do a big New Year's Day dinner. However, I did not stay awake to ring in the New Year. Hayden and I fell asleep around 11:00 pm and that was just fine with me! Yesterday, we went to the hospital because my papa had a coronary(I think that is the name) cath put in to look at his arteries. We were afraid he was going to have to have bypass surgery, bu the doctor's were able to put stints in instead. He is doing well and we are so thankful he doesn't have to have the bypass surgery and is doing good. While I was at the hospital, my boys went over to Josh's parents to hang out for awhile. Once I was able to see my papa after the procedure and talk to him, I met Josh and we were on our way home. My dear husband turned the heat off though and when we got home it was 50 degrees in our house. So he turned the heat on and we went and ran some errands to let the house warm up some. So we finally got home around 8:30 last night and today I have been trying to get bags unpacked, wash cloths and all that good stuff. I start school back on Thursday and we are going back to SC on Friday for a wedding we have this weekend so I'm trying to get our house in order.
Posted by Paige at 7:16 AM 0 comments